This is a recent photo that I took, another autumn photo, of course. At first, I found it difficult to find a suitable title but today the GALAXY title came to my mind. The photo looks somehow like a galaxy, so I guess the title adds meaning to the image itself.
Este toamna iar-Gheorghe GheorghiuAsculta mai multe audio Muzica »
Hi!, just wanna thank you to add me in your blog list :-), and congratulate you for your photos, really nice!
cam marunta galaxia asta a ta :)
putin mai generoasa daca era marimea fotografiei, era perfect :) sa o putem si noi admira mai bine... ca astia batranii avem nevoie de ochelari :D
fain vazut!
Daniel, You're welcome! The music is great on your blog and the title is super, it's always a pleasure to visit your blog, that's why I added it. Thanks for the visit, glad you like my photos!
Dan, multumesc de vizita si tie!
Ma bucur ca iti place galaxia mea. Marimea fotografiei, stiu, cam mica mai ales pentru o galaxie...insa daca postez pe blog fotografii putin mai generoase ca marime arata ca naiba (am incercat)pagina blogului devine disproportionata iar uneori nu se vede fotografia intreaga, apare taiata :(
am remediat problema...
Click pe imagine to view large :)
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